Apache > HTTP Server > Documentation > Version 2.4 > ���

����ġ ��� mod_logio

������ ���:  en  |  fr  |  ja  |  ko  |  tr 

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�� ����� ����Ϸ��� mod_log_config�� �ʿ��ϴ�.

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���յ� ����� �α� ����:
"%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\" %I %O"

LogIOTrackTTFB ���þ�

����:Enable tracking of time to first byte (TTFB)
����:LogIOTrackTTFB ON|OFF
�⺻��:LogIOTrackTTFB OFF
������:�ּ�������, ����ȣ��Ʈ, directory, .htaccess
Override �ɼ�:All
����:Apache HTTP Server 2.4.13 and later

The documentation for this directive has not been translated yet. Please have a look at the English version.

������ ���:  en  |  fr  |  ja  |  ko  |  tr 



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